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Exact Sciences

  • 22 May 2024
  • 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • 1 Exact Lane, Madison, WI 53719
  • 0


Registration is closed

The Wisconsin Association of Energy Engineers (WAEE) invites you to join us at Exact Sciences!

May 22, 2024

Hosted By:

Exact Sciences Corporation

Lunch sponsored by :

Attendees will learn about the new Discovery Campus Laboratory and Warehouse in Madison, WI. This building won the 2022 ASHRAE Technology Award for proven performance of occupant comfort, indoor air quality, and energy conservation. 

Exact Sciences focuses on earlier cancer detection to treatment guidance and monitoring. They are helping people get the answers they need to face the most challenging decisions with confidence.

Agenda (tentative)

12:00 Networking and Lunch

12:20 Chapter Business (lunch continues)

12:30 - 2pm Presentations

2:00 Tour

  • Mechanical yard for a discussion of electrical feeds and chiller selection.

  • Mechanical penthouse to see AHUs, fans, boilers, pumps, etc

3:00 Adjourn


The WAEE board meeting will be held beforehand at 10:30. A separate EXPO Planning meeting will be held at Slipstream at 2:45. Anyone interested in learning more about our chapter and its leadership opportunities are welcome to attend either.  The WAEE and its board members are comprised of energy industry professionals who volunteer their time to promote education and energy efficiency awareness throughout Wisconsin.


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