Alternative power systems continue to evolve and improve in reliability and cost. The UW Oshkosh is helping to drive the latest in waste biogas generation systems. Their dry fermentation biodigester on the UW Oshkosh campus provides 8 percent of the campus's electrical needs. in addition, they have collaborated with local farmers to develop dairy biogas systems.
It's time to go back to school. Join the WAEE for a meeting to learn about the UW Oshkosh biogas systems.
Pre-registration is required by noon on Friday October 17.
WAEE extends our thanks to UW Oshkosh for graciously hosting this meeting.
UW Oshksoh
Sage Hall - 835 High Avenue
Dry Biodigeter Facility - 650 WItzel Avenue
Tuesday October 21, 2014
Sage Room 3239 - 3rd Floor
12:15 Lunch
12:45 WAEE Chapter Business (lunch continues)
Sage Room 4234 - 4th Floor
1:00 Brian Langolf, UW Oshkosh - Biogas Systems
2:00 Dr. Kleinheinz, UW Oshkosh - Energy initiatives
2:15 Dr. Dunn, UW Oshkosh - Sustainability and Profit
2:30 Break and travel to Dry Digester Facility
2:45 Tour of Dry Digester System
3:45 Adjourn
Sage Room 3220
The WAEE board and committee members will meet at 11:00. Anyone interested in learning more about our chapter or getting more involved is welcome to join the board. The board is comprised of energy industry professionals who volunteer their time to promote education and awareness in the energy industry.
Register at by Friday October 17th. if you will be joining us for this meeting. Preregistration is required to ensure adequate food is available for lunch Please provide name and company name
The meeting is free of charge for all attendees.
We encourage all non-member guests to support WAEE by joining as an individual member or corporate sponsor. The majority of dues collected go towards our annual scholarship awards. We awarded $7,050 in scholarships earlier this year to seven students from throughout the State of Wisconsin. We thank all of our members and sponsors for their continued generosity.